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You can put the 1-800-222-1222 / reference on your product at no charge provided you comply with the specific wording and list your product with Poisindex®.

The number (1-800-222-1222) must appear with the words: “If swallowed” or “In case of poisoning” or “If over-exposure occurs ...” followed by “call your Poison Center at 1-800-222-1222 or go to" Any other label wording must be specifically approved by America's Poison Centers. In no case will wording be approved if the words “Poison Center” are not included. Putting 1-800-222-1222 and/or on your product label in no way implies America's Poison Centers endorsement of the product. Any company placing the number on their product automatically agrees to indemnify America's Poison Centers and all U.S. Poison Centers responding to calls from consumers on their product.

Poisindex® is an electronic substance database used by Poison Centers that contains information, such as ingredients, on products and other substances. It is maintained by Merative™. Listing your product with Poisindex® is necessary so that Poison Centers have adequate information to accurately manage incoming calls about your product. This listing is free. To list your product with Poisindex®:

  1. Complete the Merative™ Micromedex® Poisindex® Product Information Form and Company Emergency Contact Information Form and send both forms to, copying
  2. Allow at least six months from submitting product information until it becomes available to Poison Centers through Poisindex®.
  3. Provide revisions if product formulations are changed or new products are introduced. Attempting to provide emergency poisoning treatment recommendations using incorrect or inadequate ingredient information can seriously compromise patient outcomes and even cause unnecessary deaths. Each company must take responsibility for providing up-to-date product information to Poisindex®.

The Poison Help logo is owned and trademarked by America’s Poison Centers. The Association's poison center and education center members do not need permission to use the Poison Help logo. Other organizations must gain written approval from America’s Poison Centers before using the Poison Help logo. Please s and email to submit a request.

Contact Member Services at to learn more about our membership opportunities.

Looking for stickers, magnets, brochures, or other educational materials containing the poison center's phone number? Contact your local poison center directly. If you are unsure of which poison center serves you, call 1-800-222-1222 from a local phone number. This will route you to the correct center that provides service to your geographic location.

National Poison Prevention week falls each year during the third full week of March. Celebrated since 1972, use this week to educate your community about preventing unintentional poisonings and the value of America’s Poison Centers. Learn more about National Poison Prevention Week.

America’s Poison Centers is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity. Please see our IRS Form 990 for more information.

America’s Poison Centers does not require its member poison centers to answer calls about pet poisonings. Some poison centers (but not all) do provide basic pet poisoning information, but the best information can often be obtained from your veterinarian or animal poison center. These services provide treatment advice for a fee: ASPCA Animal Poison Center (888-426-4435) and Pet Poison Helpline (855-764-7661).

At this time, several poison centers are experimenting with providing text services. For now, however, the best way to guarantee advice from an expert poison center professional is to call 1-800-222-1222. Alternatively, please look for poisoning guidance at

Call our Administrative Phone Line : Office: 703-894-1858 Fax: 703-683-2812

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