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America's Poison Centers and the 54 Poison Centers across the United States track poisonings and their sources, including household products, food and beverages, chemicals in the workplace and home, environmental toxins, drugs and medicine, and animal and insect bites and stings. 

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  • December 22, 2020 3:15 PM | Anonymous


    Arlington, VA – The 37th Annual Report of the National Poison Data System (NPDS) is a retrospective analysis of the prior years poison exposures and emerging public health hazards. Conducted by leading toxicologists, the report can be used to review trends around top poison exposures and the distribution of exposures by age. The report reveals that in 2019 poison control centers managed approximately 2.1 million human exposure cases. The full report contains a comprehensive overview of cases managed by poison control centers in 2019 and can be accessed here.

    “I would like to thank the staff of the nation’s 55 poison control centers for their dedication to providing expert treatment advice through the Poison Help Hotline,” said Richard Fogelson, American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) Chief Executive Officer. “The nationwide data collected by our specialists provides valuable public health surveillance by monitoring the causes, scope and locations of poison exposures in the U.S.” Notably, the landscape for tobacco products continues to change and the report shows that vaping/e-cigarettes continue to cause serious lung injury (EVALI) and death.

    As in previous years, the majority of exposures were reported from a residence, but poison control centers also received a significant number of calls from places of work, school, and healthcare facilities. About 66% of exposures reported to centers were treated at the exposure site, saving millions of dollars in medical expenses. In addition to our timely treatment recommendations, centers’ education departments raise awareness about poison prevention and the importance of calling the Poison Help Hotline (1-800-222-1222) in a poison emergency.

    AAPCC maintains NPDS, the only poison information and surveillance database in the United States, providing near real-time monitoring of unusual poisoning patterns, chemical exposures and other emerging public health hazards. NPDS contains information on more than 70 million poison exposures.

    Four ways to prepare, prevent, and protect against poisoning:

    1. Text POISON to 797979 to save the Poison Help Hotline as a contact in your mobile phone.

    2. Save the Poison Help Hotline number, 1-800-222-1222, into your mobile phone.

    3. Display the Poison Help Hotline contact number throughout your home.

    4. Get Info:




  • October 28, 2020 1:10 PM | Anonymous


    Arlington VA- The social and environmental conditions created by the current COVID-19 pandemic such as isolation, economic uncertainty and disruption to health care services may be intensifying substance abuse conditions among members of our communities.

    In partnership with the American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), the Oregon Poison Center and the Virginia Poison Center will host an interactive webinar featuring Dr. Gillian Beauchamp. Dr. Beauchamp will describe the epidemic of substance use conditions during this unique and difficult time and discuss how to move toward better understanding of these conditions and those with substance use conditions. The webinar will take place on November 4, 2020 at 2PM ET. Registration information is included below.


    About the speaker: Dr. Gillian Beauchamp is a member of the Medical Toxicology Fellowship and Emergency Medicine Residency faculty, as well as Assistant Director of Research in Medical Toxicology at Lehigh Valley Health Network Department of Emergency and Hospital Medicine, Division of Medical Toxicology. She co-chairs the Lehigh Valley Health Network Opioid Stewardship and Linkage to Treatment Committee and the physician lead for the network’s Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) programs. Dr. Beauchamp is an assistant professor and faculty member at University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine.  She is board certified in emergency medicine, medical toxicology and addiction medicine.  She is an editorial board member of the journal Toxicology Communications, and of Journal of Medical Toxicology. Her research, education, and administrative areas of focus are opioid stewardship and linkage to treatment for people with substance use conditions, stigma, and pharmacotherapy to support recovery. Dr. Beauchamp is co-host for the podcast Tox in Ten: ACMT Highlights and a member of the American College of Medical Toxicology Public Affairs and Education Committees.

    Four ways to be prepared and get confidential, and expert help 24/7/365:

    1. Text POISON to 797979 to save the Poison Help Hotline as a contact in your mobile   phone.

    2. Save the Poison Help Hotline number, 1-800-222-1222, into your mobile phone.

    3. Display the Poison Help Hotline contact number throughout your home.

    4. Get Info: Web:



  • September 14, 2020 10:30 AM | Anonymous


    The American Association of Poison Control Centers Welcomes New Board Members Arlington, VA- The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) announces the addition of new officers and board members to the Board of Directors for 2020-2021. These members bring decades of experience in the field of poison information and demonstrate the vast medical expertise poison centers offer to our communities.

    After serving a term as President-Elect, Julie Weber, RPh, CSPI, Director of the Missouri Poison Center, will continue her work as the AAPCC Board President. We are thankful that outgoing President, Dr. Mark Ryan, PharmD, Director, Louisiana Poison Center, will continue to serve on the board as Past President.

    In July, members of AAPCC elected Dr. Carol DesLauriers, PharmD, to serve as President-Elect. Dr. DesLauriers is the Senior Director of the Illinois Poison Center.

    AAPCC also elected Dr. Howell Foster, PharmD, for a second term as Secretary. Dr. Foster is the Managing Director of the Arkansas Poison & Drug Information Center.

    The newly elected AAPCC Treasurer, Linda Kalin, RN, BS, CSPI, is the Executive Director of the Iowa Poison Control Center. Kalin previously served as a Director at Large on the board.

    Dr. Bruce Anderson, PharmD, DABAT, FAACT, Executive Director of the Maryland Poison Center, will serve another term as an at-large member.

    In addition, AAPCC members elected two new at-large members:

    • Dr. Salvador Baeza, III, PharmD, DABAT, Managing Director of the West TexasRegional Poison Center and
    • Dr. Alvin Bronstein, MD, FACEP, Branch Chief of Hawaii Department of Health

    AAPCC would also like to thank Dr. Stuart Heard, Executive Director of the California Poison Control System and Dr. William Banner Jr., Medical Director of the Oklahoma Center for Poison & Drug Information for their many years of service on the board of directors.

  • August 04, 2020 11:00 AM | Anonymous

     ALERT

    Arlington, VA- While household cleaners have proven to be effective in preventing the spread of disease causing germs such as COVID-19, children are especially sensitive to the effects caused by an exposure to these products.

    According to the National Poison Data System (NPDS), between March 1, 2020 and June 30, 2020 there was a 10% increase in exposures to household cleaners in children 0-5 years old when compared to 2019. The top exposures were to liquid laundry detergent packets, bleaches, all purpose cleaners, drain cleaners, and oven cleaners. Effects may include but are not limited to ocular irritation, nausea, vomiting, and possible burns depending on the product. Although one (1) out of six (6) exposures to household cleaners resulted in minor or moderate effects, each exposure is unique. Consult your local poison center at 1-800-222-1222 for immediate Poison Help and household cleaner information.

    “During this period, 98% of exposures to household cleaners occurred in a residence”, said Richard Fogelson, AAPCC Chief Executive Officer. “Household cleaners sometimes come in shiny bright colored packages that are intriguing to the adult eye but to a naturally curious child these packages resemble candy and toys. Our team wants to ensure that we provide the public with the most accurate data to help keep families safe and prevent accidental poison exposures.”

    To reduce a potential exposure to household cleaners, practice safe use and storage habits. Using child safety locks and keeping products up high and out of sight of children can prevent harmful exposures. If you have questions about household cleaners or suspect a poisoning, immediately call the Poison Help Hotline by dialing 1-800-222-1222.

    Four ways to be prepared and get confidential, and expert help 24/7/365:

    1. Text POISON to 797979 to save the Poison Help Hotline as a contact in your mobile phone.

    2. Save the Poison Help Hotline number, 1-800-222-1222, into your mobile phone.

    3. Display the Poison Help Hotline contact number throughout your home.

    4. Get Info: Web:



  • July 31, 2020 10:38 AM | Anonymous

     ALERT

    Arlington, VA — The US Food and Drug Administration has released a warning about hand sanitizers that may potentially be contaminated with methanol (methyl alcohol). The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) would like to join and emphasize that this is not merely a cautionary note.

    Methanol has a long history of severe toxicity and led to the term “blind drunk” because of its potential to damage the optic nerve. There have been historical outbreaks of poisoning both from ingesting methanol but most importantly from topical administration of substances containing methanol. This is especially concerning for children as they have a much higher surface area to weight ratio and are more likely to become sick from a topically applied poison than adults.

    Adverse effects for the general population: Depending on the concentration of the product and amount ingested, some patients may experience nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Additional symptoms may include headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and slurred speech. These potentially contaminated products have varying concentrations of methanol which means that ingestion may be extremely dangerous with toxicity including coma, respiratory depression, seizures, blindness and death.

    We would like to promote the concerns of the FDA and join in warning people to stop using them immediately and dispose of these products carefully.

    If you have questions or feel you are having an adverse reaction to hand sanitizer containing methanol, please contact your regional poison control center at 1-800-222-1222 for advice.

  • July 02, 2020 10:40 AM | Anonymous

     ALERT

    For many Americans, summer holidays mean spending more time cooking and entertaining outside. To ensure a safe, fun, and poison-free summer, consider the following holiday cooking precautions when preparing, cooking, and storing food:

    • When preparing foods always wash your hands, kitchen surfaces, utensils, and cutting boards. Washing your hands along with materials used to prep is especially important after handling or preparing uncooked food and before touching or eating foods. If you're outside at a picnic and can't wash your hands (or your children’s hands), use an antibacterial hand sanitizer. If you have questions or suspect a poisoning from hand sanitizer, call the Poison Help Hotline at 1-800-222-1222 immediately. Poison Help is also available by visiting
    • Using a food thermometer while cooking is an easy-to-implement strategy to check if your meat has reached the internal temperature required to kill harmful bacteria. The bacteria that causes food poisoning multiply quickest between 40˚ and 140˚ Fahrenheit. In general, it’s best to keep hot food hot, and cold food cold.
    • Refrigerate leftovers within two hours to reduce the risk of bacterial growth. Prevent cross-contamination by completely covering and securing foods in the refrigerator. Freeze or dispose of leftovers within 3-4 days. Also, remember to store alcohol out of children's reach and not in an easily accessible cooler.

    In addition to preparing, cooking, and storing foods, remember to avoid wild mushrooms and other plants that can be toxic while enjoying meals outside.

    Following these simple precautions can prevent food poisoning while cooking and entertaining outside.

    If you have any questions about food poisoning, or if you or someone you know suspects a poisoning, call the Poison Help Hotline at 1-800-222-1222.

  • April 23, 2020 11:00 AM | Anonymous


    Arlington, VA — The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC), The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC), Oregon Poison Center, and Virginia Poison Center will host a “disinfectants Q&A” via Facebook on April 30, 2020 at 2pm ET.

    As Americans navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces continues to be an important part of preventing the spread. It can be difficult to determine the difference between facts and myths regarding COVID-19. The Q&A will mitigate this issue by providing tips for how to use disinfectants safely and effectively to prevent the spread of disease.

    When used properly, disinfectants can be effective against the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. When used incorrectly, they can cause harm. The Q&A will cover common questions about disinfectants, as well as what items and surfaces should and should not be disinfected. With the scarcity of resources, many Americans have taken the “Do It Yourself” (DIY) approach. Although not recommended, the Q&A will also offer important reminders about DIY products in order to prevent poisonings and toxic exposures.

    “During the first quarter of 2020, poison centers received approximately 17,392 exposure calls related to disinfectants” said Richard Fogelson, AAPCC Chief Executive Officer. “As parents and caregivers juggle responsibilities at home and think of creative ways to keep their little ones active and learning, this is a great opportunity to establish home safety practices. Our team wants to ensure that we provide the public with clear answers to questions that help keep families safe and prevent accidental poison exposures.”

    “When using disinfectants to protect ourselves and our families from viral pathogens we should not forget that these chemicals can be harmful if not used according to label directions,” said Dr. Jeffrey Jenkins, NPIC Director. Join us on April 30, 2020 at 2pm ET on AAPCC’s Facebook page to ask questions and learn more about disinfectants. Ask questions—it could save a life.

    Be prepared in an emergency by saving the Poison Help number, 1-800-222-1222, in your mobile phone.

    Display the Poison Help contact number throughout your home. You can also text POISON to 797979 to save the Poison Help contact number into your mobile phone. Poison Help provides immediate free, confidential, and expert help 24/7/365.

    For more information about disinfectants and other pesticides contact NPIC by phone at 800-858-7378 (8:00am - 12:00pm PST). Disinfectant and pesticide information is also available by email at

  • March 05, 2020 10:00 AM | Anonymous


    Arlington, VA – The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) is pleased to announce and welcome Richard Fogelson as the new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Fogelson will be joining the Association in April and will be responsible for AAPCC’s mission execution, business plan, financial affairs, staff and programs.

    Mr. Fogelson comes to AAPCC with more than 20 years of healthcare, medical, legal, strategy, and health policy experience. Prior to joining AAPCC, Mr. Fogelson served as a Principal at Booz Allen Hamilton in its healthcare group working across federal agencies in the areas of life sciences, emergency medicine and fraud, waste and abuse. Prior to Booz Allen, Mr. Fogelson was a Practice Manager for Strategy & Operations with the Advisory Board Company, a membership of the nation’s leading hospitals and health systems. In addition to his work at Booz Allen and the Advisory Board Company, Mr. Fogelson is an attorney who previously specialized in complex professional liability litigation in state and federal courts.

    Outside of his formal work, Mr. Fogelson is an active Emergency Medical Technician volunteering with the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department in Virginia and has been active in Emergency Medical Services for over 35 years.

    “We are excited to welcome Richard to AAPCC,” said Dr. Mark Ryan, PharmD, AAPCC President. “An attorney by trade, Richard is also a business leader with a passion for both law and medicine. This, coupled with extensive experience in commercial and federal consulting and contracting made Richard an ideal candidate.”

    “It’s an honor to have been selected to work with the professionals at every level across our nation’s Poison Control Centers, Fogelson said. “AAPCC and its members have life-changing impact in the communities they serve, and I could not be more thrilled to support this mission driven organization.”

    AAPCC reminds the public that in case of potential poison exposure, call the Poison Help hotline at 1-800-222-1222. To save the number in your phone, text POISON to 797979. Poison experts are available 24/7 and advice is free of charge. Please visit to receive more information on emerging hazards.

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